Interoperability Overview

In support of the provinces and territories, Infoway is facilitating a national collaborative effort to advance interoperability, enabling information to flow seamlessly between different solutions and devices. When different parts of the health system are interoperable with each other, they can “speak the same language.” Interoperability improves continuity of care, collaboration between health providers and patient access to their health information. By breaking down data silos, it also reduces inefficiencies and redundancies within the health system.

Connection, collaboration and communication have never been more important for the health system. Increased use of virtual care has highlighted the need for safe and efficient electronic sharing of information across the circle of care. Continuing to improve Canadian health care will necessitate work in interoperability — connected systems are healthier systems.

Connected care means a healthier Canada, and Infoway is committed to advancing interoperability. Harnessing data sharing will result in “connected care” and a modern health system for all Canadians.

Patient Summaries

While there are many interoperability-related challenges, the sharing of patient summaries across different solutions has been identified as a priority based on extensive consultations.

Patient summaries are portions of health records comprised of a standardized collection of information. They enable a concise package of patient information to be accessed and updated by patients and clinicians, making it easier to share necessary information between care providers and settings (e.g., acute, primary and specialty care).

Infoway is advancing the pan-Canadian Patient Summary Specification (PS-CA), a guideline that defines the terminology that information systems across provinces, territories, languages, and specialties use to communicate with one another. The PS-CA is just one part of a national collaborative effort by Infoway, provinces & territories, health technology vendors, and the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI).

eReferrals & eConsults

eReferrals and eConsults are digital tools that improve the quality of care you receive, reducing delays in treatment and administrative burden that clinicians face when using more traditional methods.

eReferrals simplify the referral process by allowing your primary care providers to send requests quickly and securely to specialists and other organizations electronically.

eConsults are virtual meetings through secure messaging or video conferencing platforms that allow health care providers to seek advice from specialists on behalf of patients without the need for a face-to-face appointment.

Interoperability Illustrated

With interoperable solutions, information flows seamlessly from one solution to another, in the same way that water flows from municipal pipes into your home’s plumbing. If the pipes don’t fit — or the systems can’t talk to each other — that flow dries up.

Imagine that a family physician wants to communicate with a specialist in another practice — but they use two different solutions. While some solutions offer secure messaging capabilities, most cannot communicate with all other systems. Instead of collaborating directly, clinicians develop workarounds using outdated technologies like fax machines.

To further illustrate the concept of interoperability and showcase its value for Canadians, we have created two interactive resources, an eReferral use case and an overview of the path to connected care. The use case demonstrates how a more connected health system can improve the patient experience and the path to connected care illustrates how interoperability will improve health system outcomes and quality of care.


Implementing Interoperability

As interoperability affects every part of the health system, Infoway’s work to support its implementation has been similarly broad. Since its inception in 2001, Infoway has been responsible for licensing, defining and maintaining pan-Canadian standards that promote interoperability. Co-investments by Infoway and the jurisdictions in foundational electronic health record systems such as laboratory systems, patient portals and electronic medical records and electronic health records have also laid a strong foundation for Canadian interoperability.

Increasing use of digital health tools has created renewed impetus to address key interoperability challenges to enable better coordination and continuity of care. With better communication and collaboration between patients and providers, we can help create better health outcomes for all Canadians — and a healthier system overall.

How to Get Involved

To support our work in accelerating interoperability in healthcare, register to participate in one of our communities or working groups.

Communities provide an opportunity for people to collaborate and communicate on interoperability topics that are of interest to them and their peers on an ongoing basis. It’s a space where you can share news, attend education sessions and connect with experts. Examples include:
Working Groups are made up of committed implementers and engaged stakeholders with broad representation. The output of these groups will directly impact on-the-ground success of interoperability projects. Examples include:

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